Thursday, December 07, 2006

The 2 Envelopes

I arrive clutching 2 sealed envelopes labeled:
One contains all benefits I will enjoy from taking possession of my own mind and using it to get what I want.
The other carries a list of consequences if I neglect controlling my mind and have no worthwhile goals.
If I take possession of my mind and direct it toward desirable goals, I will enjoy:
1) Success consciousness which attracts only the circumstances which make for success
2) Sound health, both physical and mental
3) Finanical independence
4) A labor of love in which to express yourself
5) Peace of mind
6) Applied faith which makes fear impossible
7) Enduring friendships
8) Longevity and a well balanced life
9) Immunity from self-limitation
10) The wisdom to understand yourself and others
If I don't, I'll be doomed to:
1) Poverty and misery the entire life
2) Mental and physical ailments of all kinds
3) Self-limitations which trap you in mediocrity
4) Fear and all its destructive consequences
5) Hatred of the means by which you support yourself
6) Many enemies and few friends
7) Every brand of worry known to humanity
8) Being a victim of every negative influence you encounter
9) Subjection to the will of others
10) A wasted life which does nothing to better the human condition
If I do not make the first one and embrace it wholeheartedly, the second will be forced on me.
There is no halfway point, no compromise.
Which choice will I make?

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